
Thirsting for God
By Matthew Gallatin. This outstanding book will help Orthodox readers more deeply appreciate their faith and will give Protestant readers a more thorough understanding of the Church. Beginning in the street ministry days of the Jesus Movement, Matthew Gallatin devoted more than 20 years to evangelical Christian ministry. He was a singer/songwriter, worship leader, youth leader, and Calvary Chapel pastor. Nevertheless, he eventually accepted a painful reality: no matter how hard he tried, he was never able to experience the God whom he longed to know. In encountering Orthodox Christianity, he finally found the fullness of the Faith. In Thirsting for God, Gallatin expresses many of the struggles a Protestant will encounter in coming face to face with Orthodoxy: such things as Protestant relativism, rationalism versus the Orthodox sacramental path to God, and the unity of Scripture and Tradition. He also discusses praying with icons, praying formal prayers, and many other Orthodox traditions.

Becoming orthodox
By Fr Peter Gillquist. This revised edition includes a new epilogue, “Coming up on Twenty-Five Years” since the entry of the Evangelical Orthodox into the Holy Orthodox Church. This is the story of a handful of courageous men and their congregations who risked stable occupations, security and the approval of life-long friends to be obedient to God’s call.It is also the story of every believer who is searching for the Church. Where Christ is Lord. Where holiness, human responsibility, and the sovereignty of God are preached. Where fellowship is more than a covered-dish supper in the church basement. And where fads and fashions take a backseat to apostolic worship and doctrine.This is a book, for Orthodox Christians, looking for ways to bring new life to their own Churches. It’s also a book for those completely dissatisfied–those on their own search. And it’s a book for Orthodox Christians, looking for renewal.

Coming Home
By Fr Peter Gillquist. Eighteen former Protestant leaders tell about their journey of “Coming Home” to the Orthodox Christian Faith. The 18 stories include: Antony Hughes . Oral Roberts University Gregory Rogers . Church of Christ Nicholas Sorensen . Concordia Seminary Daniel Matheson . United Church of Canada Thomas Renfree . Western Conservative Baptist Seminary Frank Milanese . Campus Crusade for Christ Andrew Harmon . United Methodist Church Paul Waisanen . Trinity Evangelical Divinity School Alister Anderson . Episcopalian Timothy Cremeens . Assemblies of God John Pro . Luther Rice Seminary Athanasios Ledwich . Anglican Harold Dunaway . Bible Baptist College David Smith . Asbury Seminary Bill Caldaroni . United Church of Christ Ron Olson . Biola College and Inner-city Missions Tim Blumentritt . Plymouth Brethren William Olnhausen . General Theological Seminary.

The Orthodox way
This book is a general account of the doctrine, worship and life of Orthodox Christians by the author of the now classic The Orthodox Church. It raises the basic issues of theology: God is hidden yet revealed; the problem with evil; the nature of salvation; the meaning of faith; prayer; death and what lies beyond. In so doing, it helps to fill the need for modern Orthodox catechism. Yet this book is not a mere manual, a dry-as-dust repository of information. Throughout the book, Bishop Kallistos Ware shows the meaning of Orthodox doctrine for the life of the individual Christian. Doctrinal issues are seen not as abstract propositions for theological debate but as affecting the whole of life. A wealth of texts drawn from theologians and spiritual writers of all ages accompanies Bishop Kallistos’ presentation. They, too, reveal Orthodoxy not just as a system of beliefs, practices and customs but indeed as the Way.

Wounded by love
Elder Porphyrios, a Greek monk and priest who died in 1991, stands in the long tradition of charismatic spiritual guides in the Eastern Church which continues from the apostolic age down to figures such as Saint Seraphim of Sarov and Staretz Silouan in modern times. In this book he tells the story of his life and, in simple, deeply reflected and profoundly wise words, he expounds the Christian faith for today.
The vibrant personality of Elder Porphyrios at all times shines through his words with great transparency and charm. In his introduction to the Greek edition Bishop Irenaeus of Chania writes: ‘The words of blessed Elder Porphyrios are the words of a holy Father, of a man with the gift of clear sight, who was ever retiring, humble, simple and ardent and whose life was a true and authentic witness to Christ, to His truth and to His joy. Through his presence, love, prayer, counsel and guidance he supported an untold number of people in the difficult hours of illness, mourning, pain, loss of faith and death. He is a god-bearing Father of our days, a true priest and teacher who in his ascetic way fell in love with Christ and faithfully served his fellow man.

Every where present
Have you ever referred to God as the Man upstairs ? Most Christians living in a secular society have unwittingly relegated God and all things spiritual to the second storey of the universe: a realm we cannot reach except through death. The effect of this is to banish God, along with the saints and angels, from our everyday lives. In Everywhere Present, popular blogger and podcaster Fr. Stephen Freeman makes a compelling case for becoming aware of God s living and active presence in every moment of our lives here and now. Learning to practice your Christian faith in a one-storey universe will change your life and make possible the living, intimate relationship with God you ve always dreamed of.

Light from the christian east
The Word Guild 2008 Canadian Christian Writing Awards winner! “Do they really pray to icons?” “Why do they use incense?” “What do they believe?” To many people, the Orthodox Christian tradition (or Eastern Orthodoxy) seems unfamiliar and mysterious. Yet this tradition is arguably the most faithful representative of early Christianity in existence today and numbers roughly 250 million adherents worldwide. What’s more, a steady stream of evangelical Christians has been entering the Orthodox Church in recent decades. Isn’t it time we gained a deeper understanding of Orthodoxy? In Light from the Christian East, James Payton gives us just that. With a sympathetic eye and even hand, he ushers readers into the world of Orthodox Christianity–its history, theology and religious practices. In doing so, he clears away the confusion and misunderstandings that often prevent non-Orthodox Christians from fully appreciating the riches of this ancient tradition. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in Orthodox Christianity.

orthodoxy and heterodoxy
This new edition of the bestselling Orthodoxy & Heterodoxy is fully revised and significantly expanded. Major new features include a full chapter on Pentecostalism and the Charismatic movements, an expanded epilogue, and a new appendix ( How and Why I Became an Orthodox Christian ). More detail and more religions and movements have been included, and the book is now addressed broadly to both Orthodox and non-Orthodox, making it even more sharable than before.

for the life of the world
In For the Life of the World Alexander Schmemann suggests an approach to the world and life within it, which stems from the liturgical experience of the Orthodox Church. He understands issues such as secularism and Christian culture from the perspective of the unbroken experience of the Church, as revealed and communicated in her worship, in her liturgy – the sacrament of the world, the sacrament of the Kingdom.

for the life of the world
By Metropolitan Anthony Bloom. This book has established itself as a modern spiritual classic for Orthodox as well as other Christians. It is written by an Orthodox Archbishop for people who have never prayed before and has been read and loved by persons at all levels of spiritual development

When you pray
By L. Joseph Letendre. Anyone who prays, or has tried to pray and given up in discouragement, knows praying—really praying—is not easy. Praying consistently seems almost impossible. Too often and too easily, prayer becomes a burden: one more item on an already overcrowded to-do list. Failing to pray becomes a source of guilt and stress as we must once again admit our inconstancy and procrastination to our father confessor. Yet, our Lord said, “Come to me, all of you who are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. My burden is easy and my yoke is light” (Matt. 11:30). The purpose of this book, then, is not to add to the burden, but to ease it by distilling the advice and experience of those who pray

prayer book
Edited by Archimandrite Vassilios Papavassiliou, the Ancient Faith Prayer Book brings together the most ancient and popular prayers of Orthodox Christians with some additions that address issues of contemporary life, all rendered in elegant contemporary English and presented in a compact format (4-1/2 X 7 inches) for ease of use. Also available in burgundy.

the jesus prayer
By Frederica Mathewes-Green. “The Jesus Prayer has historically been passed on face-to-face, from one Christ-loving person to the next, down the generations ever since the desert saints. It is learned in a community of fellow-believers, all of whom are aware of their need and sin, trying daily to resist temptation better and love God more. As you form the habit of saying this prayer in the back of your mind all the time, it soaks into you, like dye into cotton, and colors the way you encounter every person and circumstance you meet…”
Frederica Mathewes-Green offers the most comprehensive book to date on the Jesus Prayer – a spiritual jewel for anyone who yearns for a real and continuous presence with Christ. She illuminates the history, theology, and spirituality of Orthodoxy, so that the Prayer can be understood in its native context, and provides practical steps for making it a part of our being.

the orthodox study bible
Orthodox Christianity is the face of ancient Christianity to the modern world and embraces the second largest body of Christians in the world. In this first-of-its-kind study Bible, the Bible is presented with commentary from the ancient Christian perspective that speaks to those Christians who seek a deeper experience of the roots of their faith.

The New Oxford Annotated Bible
The New Oxford Annotated Bible with the Apocrypha, Revised Standard Version. One of the most celebrated volumes in Oxford’s renowned line of bibles, the RSV New Oxford Annotated Bible features an impressive array of supplementary materials to guide in readers’ understanding of the scripture, including a protective two-piece box. Outstanding biblical scholarship, affordability, and thousands of satisfied readers have proven that the RSV NOAB is the best ecumenical resource available today